Now, I know, I could take all my pictures on the weekend but in all honesty? That's not what this blog is about. I am not here to give you advice on fashion or make-up or anything. I'm just sharing my favourite stuff and that means, spare of the moment blogging. It's like grabbing my phone to text my BFF when a cute guy has just chatted me up in a bar. I don't wait until the lighting conditions are better to text "OMG OMG OMG" right?
(Note: I'm married. The text would probably be toned down a little!! ;-) hah)
So, I will only semi-apologise for the photos below as I do realise, they are a bit rubbish as I took them in the evening but hey, at least you'll know what this nail varnish will look like when you go out! :D
So, in today's post I am looking at my new favourite red friend! Let me introduce to you, Collection 2000's Hot Looks Fast Dry "Big Hair" (Number 29) nail varnish:
I've met him on my recent trip to Boots and fell in love ... I don't normally wear red nail polish. In fact, I think this is pretty much the first one I bought.It looks really nice. It's not too sticky, not too runny and does indeed dry fast.
Two layers of this pretty shade of red later and this was the result:
I think I should have applied a third layer but I was a little tired. It literally took less than a minute to dry and it lasted for a good 2 days. Mind you, I scrape my nail polish off or bite it off when I'm nervous or concentrating so a normal person can probably go a good 3-4 days without having to re-apply!
Right, this is it for now - have a nice week my lovelies!